Horseback Trail Rides in the Goethe State Forest
10010 SE 125th Court, Dunnellon FL 34431
The Goethe State Forest
What a treat to have this lovely area to explore by horseback--straight out our back door! The Goethe State Forest (pronounced Go-Thee) is a magnificent 53,000 acre tract of old Florida preservation land which is managed by the State of Florida Forestry Service.

It is well-maintained and operated by a wonderful local Ranger Station located right down the road from our ranch. The Rangers and Forestry Service maintain and patrol the 150 miles of equestrian trails, so, while you are out in the forest, you are never far from a helping hand or a source of information.
The Goethe State Forest is truly one of the jewels of the State of Florida, and is located in the popular Nature Coast area of Central/Western Florida. There are many activities in this fantastic part of natural Florida including hiking, biking, fishing, manatee viewing, cave exploring, bird watching, scuba diving, paddle boarding, canoeing, camping, swimming in crystal clear springs or the nearby Gulf of Mexico, and, of course, horseback trail riding with Orange Blossom Trail Rides! We can't wait to show you this amazingly beautiful area!

Come ride with the best horseback trail riding outfitter around! We are proud to service our out-of-town visitors, as well as our surrounding areas: Dunnellon, Williston, Inglis, Micanopy, Cheifland, Bronson, Homosassa, Ocala, Cedar Key, Crystal River, Gainesville, Tampa, Clearwater, St. Petersberg, Orlando, and all of Central and South Florida. What a great weekend getaway!